A Georgia charter school is bringing back paddling as a way to discipline students but only a th
- The Georgia School for Innovation and Classics plans to use paddling as a form of discipline for students this year.
- The K-9 school in Hephzibah sent consent forms to parents, and about a third agreed to allow their children to be paddled by the charter school's faculty.
- If parents opt out of the paddling, they have to agree to five days of suspension as an alternate punishment for their child.
A charter school in Georgia is planning to use paddling as a form of punishment for its students this year.
A third of parents — or about 100 — have signed consent forms allowing the faculty at Georgia School for Innovation and Classics to paddle their children, WRDW reported.
The school, which opened in Hephzibah in 2015, caters to children in kindergarten through ninth grade.
"In this school we take discipline very seriously," Jody Boulineau, superintendent of the Georgia school, told WRDW. "There was a time where corporal punishment was kind of the norm in school and you didn't have the problems that you have."
The superintendent said he had received positive feedback for the new measure, saying parents had told him "It's about time."
Reaction on social media, however, revealed that many are appalled by the idea of corporal punishment.
—Katie Brookins (@KatieBrookins1) September 10, 2018—Nicole Cliffe (@Nicole_Cliffe) September 9, 2018—Jamecia 🥀✨ (@AhZahne_) September 10, 2018Parents received "consent to paddle" forms before the academic year started.
The consent form detailed the punishment by saying: "A student will be taken into an office behind closed doors. The student will place their hands on their knees or piece of furniture and will be struck on the buttocks with a paddle."
The form said no more than three paddles would be given out at once.
Boulineau said there is no obligation to give consent, but that paddling is "just one more tool" the school as in its "disciplinary toolbox."
Corporal punishment in schools is still legal in 19 states. The practice continues because some educators believe it helps end disruptive behavior, according to the Washington Post.
What do you think of paddling in schools? If you have an opinion or have an experience with paddling you'd like to share, email kmclaughlin@businessinsider.com.
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