I spent a month cleaning diapers by hand and confiscating toys, and learned why it's nearly impossib

Publish date: 2024-07-12

I slipped on a pair of yellow rubber gloves and knelt over the toilet, dunking and scrubbing my baby's poop-filled cloth diaper. As the brown water splashed back at me, I gagged and tried to remind myself why I'd embarked on this ludicrous experiment in the first place.

I have two sons, age 3 1/2 and 18 months. For a month last winter, I tried to eliminate as much plastic as possible from their lives.

I switched to reusable cloth diapers (it's even more disgusting than you're picturing) and cut out baby wipes. I hid pretty much all their toys. I changed up my food shopping and storage habits.

Still, it was nearly impossible to be a plastic-free parent, at least in New York City, where we live.

Read more: Cloth diapers are an eco-friendly alternative to traditional diapers — here's how to use them and what you need to buy

A baby goes through 7,000 diapers, on average, which presents health and environmental risks. Getty

Plastics are linked to health risks, especially for kids

I've read countless articles about our addiction to plastics and the devastation that plastic trash wreaks on marine life. Children are some of the biggest consumers of plastic products, especially stuff that's used once and thrown away. It's part of almost everything they touch, eat, drink, wear, sleep in, and play with.

Each child, on average, goes through about 7,000 diapers before getting potty-trained. Most disposable diapers contain petroleum-based plastics and take hundreds of years to decompose. The same is true of disposable food pouches, juice boxes, toys, and sippy cups, which mostly can't be repurposed.

So an even bigger question for me was how constant, prolonged interaction with plastic could affect my children's health. Exposure is particularly worrisome for young children who are more sensitive to chemicals, because they're still growing and developing, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. Babies are at a heightened risk because of their tendency to put everything in their mouths.

While more research needs to be done, initial findings have found that risks associated with plastics include obesity, cancer, lower IQs, and infertility.

Once I considered those risks, and realized I couldn't even begin to tally how much plastic we were consuming, I decided to try eliminating as much of the material as I could from our lives.

Babies are more susceptible to risks associated with plastics because they're still growing and tend to put things in their mouths. Getty

More than once, I walked around the city with a stinking cloth diaper in my handbag until I could dump it in the washing machine. I stood in store aisles obsessively reading and Googling ingredients and was often late for plans, or gave up entirely on going out because I was relegated to the laundry room. I regularly sent out panicked messages to my mommy groups on Facebook when I couldn't solve a diaper or food-storage crisis on my own.

Complicating matters, manufacturers of children's products are not obliged to reveal all the ingredients they use. Often the best I could do was avoid the plastics that experts told me were potentially the most harmful.

There were a lot.

Nearly a year later, I'm still sticking to a lot of the same "rules" I originally implemented. I no longer buy disposable plates or cups or Ziploc bags and use mostly glass products to store leftovers. I buy food in bulk and pack snacks in reusable containers when we're on the go. I've cut out crappy toys and my kids don't miss them that much.

What shocked me most is I became something of a cloth-diaper convert.

I hated them at the beginning, but the experts I consulted won me over. We use cloth diapers at night and disposable eco-friendly diapers with fewer chemicals during the day.

To pull off this experiment, I broke it into three categories: food, toys, and diapers. Below, I've outlined how I went about eliminating plastics from each — or how I failed — what the risks were, how much money I spent, and how someone who grew up microwaving Styrofoam managed to become a green crusader.


Challenge level: Pretty easy.

Risks: Endocrine-disrupting chemicals called phthalates are used to make plastic food and beverage containers more flexible. Exposure to these chemicals in children may cause fertility issues, cancer, and childhood obesity, and they may be linked to neurodevelopmental and behavior problems.

The chemical bisphenol A (BPA), a plastic additive — which has been linked to childhood obesity and low sperm counts, among other issues — was banned in 2012 from being used in baby bottles and sippy cups. They are still present in many consumer products, including food and beverage storage containers.

When plastics are exposed to heat — in the microwave, dishwasher, or when warm milk is poured into a bottle —they are more likely to leach chemicals into food.

How I did it: Convenience is key when you're trying to feed kids, especially picky ones like mine. The food industry gets that, which is why we've seen the advent disposable baby-food packs, filled with pureed grains and fruits. In 2015, sales from baby-food pouches reached $45 million, up from $8 million in 2010.

Sales from convenient baby-food pouches skyrocketed to $45 million from $8 million in 2010. AP

But that kind of convenience comes at a heavy price.

The issue is so concerning that the American Academy for Pediatrics has called on the federal government to limit chemicals found in food packaging linked to childhood obesity, fertility issues, impaired brain development, and other problems. Exposure to these chemicals is more pernicious for kids than adults because they're still developing and because of the way they interact with plastic. (Check out a baby plastic spoon after a number of uses. It will look like a small animal mauled the thing.)

Swap out plastic kitchen products for glass and stainless steel

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends using glass and stainless-steel kitchen products, instead of plastic ones. Alice Proujansky

When possible, the AAP recommends replacing plastic with glass and stainless steel.

That was my basic rule while clearing out my kitchen, which worked to a certain extent.

Making baby food is an effective way to save money and avoid plastic packaging. Alice Proujansky
Cutting out disposable cups and plates and Ziploc bags saved me $100 a month. Alice Proujansky

Cheese, string cheese, fish sticks, sweet-potato dinosaurs, crackers, frozen pizza — all the foods my finicky and skinny toddler loves — are wrapped in plastic. We had to keep them in the rotation.

Alice Proujansky

Cost: I spent about $200 on eco-friendly foodware and storage containers. I stopped buying disposable utensils, plates, and cups, and single-use food items, which meant savings of at least $100 a month.

Takeway: Buying glass, bamboo, and stainless-steel products will cost you more money, but it's worth it in the long-run. They're made from healthier materials and will last. But unless you're willing to cook every food item from scratch and shop at a farmers markets year-round, you cannot get down to zero plastic.

If you do one thing: Avoid putting plastic products in the microwave or dishwasher — even if the item has a label claiming to be "dishwasher-safe" or "microwave-safe," said Dr. Aparna Bole, a pediatrician in Cleveland and member of the American Academy of Pediatrics' Council on Environmental Health Executive Committee. Heat can impact the structural integrity of the product and promote leaching of chemicals into food. 


Challenge level: Medium difficulty.

Risks: Because young children tend to put toys in their mouths, there are concerns around them ingesting harmful chemicals when they play. Even though eight types of phthalates (used to make toys soft and pliable) have been banned in the production of children's items in the US, they may still be present in imported toys and ones passed down from older children.

Parents should avoid plastic toys made in China and possibly other places abroad and those bearing recycling codes 3 and 7,  said Bole.(Consumers should also avoid products with recycling code 6, but that doesn't come up as much in toys). Products that have recycling codes 3, 6, and 7 have been linked to obesity, cardiovascular disease, and hormone disruption.

How I did it: Toys were once a treat, made from substantial material that could be passed down from one generation to the next. Now, the $27 billion industry peddles flimsy products that often contain concerning chemicals and quickly fall apart. Toy companies aren't required to reveal what's in their products, which is worrisome when it comes to younger kids who chomp on everything.

Avoiding plastic toys is nearly impossible, especially when it comes to products like LOL Dolls, whose contents come wrapped in 50 layers of plastic. Shutterstock

Plastic toys are inescapable. Even if you put a moratorium on things like LOL Surprise dolls, whose contents come wrapped in 50 layers of plastic, a well-meaning relative will likely still buy them. Your kid will also still come home from birthday parties with goodie bags filled to the brim with junk.

In terms of health safety, the best materials are wood, rubber, and organic cotton. From an environmental perspective, hand-me-downs are the gold standard. The ideal type of playing, according to the AAP, is the kind that promotes language, pretending, and problem solving, which can be done without plastic props or digital screens.

For my experiment, I took all our plastic toys and crammed them into a closet. We were left with about a handful of things. (For the most part, my toddler didn't protest, except when it came to demanding his guitar and tool kit back).

Phthalates, which help to make toys pliable, are hormone disruptors and linked to a host of health conditions, including childhood obesity and asthma. Shutterstock

Unlike food products, most sustainable toys cost more money. For example, a basic Fisher Price ring stacker costs $5. Stacking cups from Green Toys, a US-based company that manufactures its products from milk jugs and yogurt containers, cost $13.

Sustainable toys are more expensive, but they also last longer and are made from healthier materials. Alice Proujansky

Takeaway: I realized my children don't need much to stay entertained. My baby is perfectly happy unloading a cupboard in the kitchen or coloring on a box. My 3-year-old is content vacuuming our apartment and setting up a band with his instruments and some step stools. I'm totally fine now if my saying no to a fun thing elicits a public and teary tantrum. Making an effort to buy non-plastic toys is a start. But your best bet is just limiting the amount of stuff you allow into your playroom altogether.

Cost: Sustainable toys cost a lot more than their plastic counterparts, and they should. They're made from less toxic materials, and may last long enough for a sibling to use or for you to donate.

If you do one thing: This applies across the board: Always avoid products that bear the 3, 6 and 7 recycling codes, because they present the most risks. Be particularly vigilant about No. 3, which often comes up with rubber ducks, dolls, beach balls, infant bath books, and swimming pools.

Bonus: Stop buying the junky stuff, which will last only a few days before breaking apart.


Challenge level: Really, really hard.

Risks: Diapers that are bleached with chlorine emit traces of dioxins, a class of chemicals that the Environmental Protection Agency considers a "likely human carcinogen" and has been linked to cancer, reproductive, and immune-system problems in animal studies.

In some diapers, phthalates are used to create the waterproof outer liner. Fragrances also raise a red flag because they could include for any number of hazardous chemicals that companies don't have to be forthcoming about.

Dyes may be linked to skin rashes and other issues. Exposure to plastic in diapers may be attributable to declines in male reproductive health. In boys, disposable diapers may absorb moisture too well, which can lead to a condition called meatal stenosis, which is a narrowing of the urethral opening.

How I did it: Switching to reusable diapers is like going vegan or deciding to run a marathon. It overhauls your everyday routine, and most people will tell you to your face that your life choice is beyond their imagination. Still, I would imagine finding a vegan dining partner or running buddy is a lot easier.

Alice Proujansky

While cloth diapers offer some undeniable health and money-saving benefits, there are environmental concerns too, given the energy they require to manufacture and water to wash.

About 95% of parents use disposable diapers, and I understand why. I reassured my babysitter she didn't need to get involved, because I was scared she'd quit. My husband refused to touch a cloth diaper.

Children spend anywhere from two to three years (longer for those with different needs) with a diaper pressed up against their most sensitive body parts. Choosing the safest diaper is critical but also agonizing.

Several pediatricians told me they prefer cloth diapers because they spare babies from some chemicals. Pediatrician Juliet Spurrier advises parents to assume a diaper contains potentially harmful ingredients, unless it is otherwise specified.

In boys, reusable diapers can also protect against meatal stenosis, a narrowing of the urethral opening that can lead to urinary-tract and kidney infections when left untreated.

To get started, I did what any clueless mom would do: I joined the Cloth Diaper Experiment group on Facebook, went deep into Google, and read endless reviews for reusable diapers on Amazon.

Parents should assume a disposable diaper contains potentially harmful ingredients, unless specified otherwise. Shutterstock

Many people think a cloth diaper is just a piece of material held together by two pins, and it can be. There are five main styles of reusable diapers, with the most sophisticated kind closely resembling the shape and ease of a traditional diaper.

They start at about $2 a pop for a prefold, which is just a piece of fabric you can fashion into a diaper shape; on the other end there are the $35 diapers that require no handiwork.

Some cloth diapers are derived from plastic, while others are made of cotton and hemp. I have zero DIY skills, so I went with the $30 all-natural "all-in-ones" Thirsties brand, the Cadillac of cloth.

Eleanor Goldberg

You slip your baby's legs through the openings, as you would a normal diaper, and use the adjustable snaps to close it. (This is what allows you to use the same size on different-size children.)

But before a baby can even try a diaper on, it has to be washed extensively. This improves the diaper's absorbency. The brand I use reaches "maximum absorbency" after eight washing and drying cycles.

The washing method depends on the type of diaper and washing machine you own.

For me, the process required three washing cycles (cold, hot, and a rinse cycle) and drying on low. (Drying in the sun is always the preferred method.)

Drying cloth diapers in the sun is the preferred method. That wasn't an option for me in the winter in New York. Alice Proujansky

This would be a good time to mention that globs of poop can't go into a washing machine (urine can).

Some families invest in something like the $60 device called the Spray Pal, which allows a user to rinse off a dirty diaper with ease over the toilet. The mechanism is, you guessed it, mostly made of plastic, so I couldn't use it for my experiment.

Instead, when my kids had blowout diapers, I pulled on gloves, scraped the waste into the toilet, flushed, and would let the diapers soak for a while.

I thought I had developed a seamless process, until my son's friend unknowingly pooped on my baby's diaper that was soaking in the toilet.

Two weeks in I was ready to quit. On that Friday morning, I had diapers marinating in both bathrooms, and there were no other toilets left in the apartment to use. It was my breaking point.

When a pediatric urologist told me that cloth diapers were the best option for my baby, I decided to stick with them. Eleanor Goldberg Fox

My baby happened to have had an appointment with Dix Poppas, a pediatric urologist at Weill Cornell, that day. The doctor took one look at the cushy blue cloth diaper and said, "These are the best diapers for him." That's when I learned about the risk of meatal stenosis.

Being told by a preeminent pediatric expert to stick to the cloth plan did me in.

For my toddler, I bought a package of Andy Pandy diapers, an eco-friendly chemical-free brand that run about 50 cents each. I also put him on the fast track to potty training. I stuck with full-time cloth diapering for several more months with my baby. Now we use disposables during the day and cloth diapers at night.

Cost: I spent about $600, which got me a stash of 16 diapers along with cotton inserts (they're like sanitary pads to increase the diapers' absorbency). On top of that, I forked over $17 on a special detergent and about $14 — and a total of six hours — each week on washing them. There are cheaper diaper options, but I went for the most user- and eco-friendly option that didn't require any assembling. Had I stuck it out full-time, I would've seen more savings. Families who do this can expect to bank about $1,000 a year.

If you do one thing: Buy diapers that are chlorine-free and fragrance-free. If you want to take it a step further, look to avoid phthalates and dyes too. (There are six brands that fit the bill on this list.)

As we hit the four-week mark of my experiment, my husband was eager to stock back up on Ziploc bags and Pampers. But I wasn't. As exhausting as the process was, once I got into a routine it stopped feeling like an extra effort.

But still, squinting to read the infinitesimal-size recycling codes on the bottom of a toy, navigating esoteric labels, Facebook debates, customer reviews, and conflicting medical advice all to just determine what's safest for my kids to eat, dress in, and play with is kind of miserable.

"We just dwell so much on what parents can be doing to avoid this obstacle course of various toxicants in consumer products," Bole said. "The right thing to do as a society is to make sure we don't release unsafe products into the marketplace in the first place. We put parents in this untenable position, and it's not fair."

Until that happens, I'm giving myself permission to buy a Spray Pal.

Read more:

The massive plastic-cleaning device invented by a 25-year-old is finally catching trash in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

What drinking from plastic bottles does to your body

Burger King stopped giving away free plastic toys in its UK branches after a campaign from sisters aged 7 and 9

Read the original article on INSIDER. Copyright 2019.

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